
Posts Tagged ‘cats’


Don't be fooled, she's a tiger

Being able to control a roomful of  nine year-olds – not many people can do that, and the other one is very good at it. The problem is, it’s gone to his head, he’s got some God like complex thinking everything bends to his will, including the animal kingdom, Minx our cat of course having remembered his reprimand from six months earlier not to bring us any presents. Course she did. Needless to say, he wasn’t very godlike when minx deposited a dead rat at my feet. He wasn’t even remotely Dr Doolittle. Me, I was like David, I got my dustpan (long handled admittedly) and brush, and pushed the not yet stiff body onto the pan and scurried out into the garden and threw it.

NOT.VERY.FAR. I was like David. Still s**t at throwing then.

We’re both bloody useless.

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You’ve been minxed!

The cat sleeps on our bed (on nights she deigns to grace us with her presence) she wakes us up at 4am so that we can let her out, she turns her nose up at her food, moves away when she doesn’t want to be stroked and always plonks herself right in the middle of whatever it is she’s sat on while me and the other one, on either side of her, are squashed to buggery.

She’s not going anywhere is she?

I might as well face the truth, I’m about to become a  crazy cat person.

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Cat carers

She is very cute

Our neighbours have announced that they are leaving, which is more than our other neighbours who went away for a week – it’s now been three months and they’d promised to feed the cat – the cat who belongs to the neighbours who’ve announced that they’re going (the cat didn’t starve don’t worry). Which means, what happens to the cat? Ahhh yes, we’ve looked after her before, so guess who got asked first? She is a lovely lovely cat but thing is, a couple of weeks is one thing but full time, until we leave and then have the same problem? And do I need to mention the other one and mice? And me and leaves…


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